Shatnerthonians: Day 4

Lots and lots of awesome today, my friends.

If you’ve submitted something but don’t see it in this post or the earlier posts, let me know, because if it’s not posted yet that means I missed it or technical shenanigans are afoot. Tomorrow is the last day for submissions, so if you have something, send it along!

Meanwhile, I apologize for the lateness of my own Shatnerthon entry and delay in getting everyone on the master list. I plan on getting everything up to speed tonight for the big finale tomorrow.


* Zachary at The Lightning Bug’s Lair posted about “The Kidnapping of the President” before I did! And better, too. Thanks to the wonders of technology, I didn’t find out about his post until late Wednesday, so I’m late to the party when it comes to his fine write-up. He also figured out that Shatner was an FBI agent; I confess I couldn’t figure out who was Secret Service, who was FBI, and who was CIA. The Lightning Bug’s Lair holds a Shatner celebration each March, the month our man Bill was born, and I highly recommend perusing the Shatner tag on LBL.

* Ivan with another day of excellent early TV Shatness: A “Route 66” guest starring role. Ivan says the Shatnerthon has been “tremendous fun”, and I agree! This has been a blast so far.

* Jake at Cine-a-tech gives us a lovely post about the Billster’s one true love: Horses. A ‘net friend of mine has mentioned seeing William Shatner at a large Midwestern horse show, but until Jeff’s post I didn’t know he hosted a charity horse show in Hollywood each year. And now you know it, too.

* Movie Bullstuff with a terrific post on “Impulse” and its shared themes with a Hitchcock classic. Also, are there any better last names than Shatner and Hitchcock? I submit to you that there are not.

Read, love, and enjoy these fine entries!


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