The Best Hitchcock Movies (That Hitchcock Never Made) & My First Movie Blogathons

The Best Hitchcock Movies (That Hitchcock Never Made) Blogathon, sponsored by ClassicBecky’s Brain Food and Tales of the Easily Distracted is going on right now! Visit Tales of the Easily Distracted for a list of this year’s culprits I mean participants. Please check out the entries, and keep checking in every day for new posts being added.

My entry, originally scheduled for the 7th, will be this Wednesday on the 11th — and thanks to our kind hosts for changing the date for me. Like I said on my most recent Phantom Creeps repost, nothing ever goes right in my life, thus delays.



Nate at Forgotten Classics of Yesteryear has announced the My First Movie Blogathon, held August 1st through 5th. In his own words:

“This year’s blogathon topic is My First Movie. Everyone has a “first movie.” It can be the first time your parents took you to a movie theater as a child. Or maybe the first time you were watching a film on television and you realized that this was something much, much more than the regular everyday programming. This blogathon is devoted to our first memories of watching movies. You can talk about the movie itself if you want, but the focus should be the actual experience of watching a movie for the first time. This topic is open to interpretation. Maybe you could write about the film that first made you realize that you loved the cinema. Who knows?!”

There are more details at his site including instructions on how to enter, so click the link above and check it out!


Meanwhile, The Phantom Creeps reposts here on SBBN continue apace, thanks to the scheduling feature that automatically posts things for me, even if I’m lying face down in a pile of ice trying to survive July in Kansas. Starting next week with Chapter 7, new Phantom recaps should begin, but I’m gonna tell ya right now that posting may be light. You should always assume that, but assume it more this time. Or something. However it works for you, I have no idea.

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