A Trio of Delightful Announcements

The delightful Arbogast has returned from Hell, scrubbed the spray paint off his banner and set a few doilies and coasters about the place, all just in time for another fantastic 31 Screams series. If you haven’t been checking in at Arbogast on Film because of his retirement, make sure you visit often this month while he’s back. His 31 Screams series is one of the highlights of every Halloween.


Kevin at Hugo Stiglitz Makes Movies is already deep into planning his 3rd Annual Italian Horror Blogathon! I’m ecstatic about this, not just because it’s one of the keenest ‘thons out there, but because it will give me a chance to make up for what I felt was a bit of a slapdash entry on my part last year. See, it turns out you shouldn’t procrastinate because when you do, you’ll watch your movie the day before the post is due and there won’t be any audio in the final third of the film, forcing you to scramble and do something quick just to get a post in. Learn your lesson from me, kids.

Also, if you will allow me to unload a little personal baggage for a moment, the star of the show I ended up watching for the ‘thon last year was Steven Weber who has since blocked me on Twitter because, after stating online discourse was too “vitriolic,” turned around and told a woman “fuck off, cunt.” I said something about it and he not only blocked me but apparently had Twitter delete my tweet. So you’ll understand that, between the Twitter incident and my last-minute slapdash post, I’d like to pretend last year’s entry never happened and will make this year’s SBBN post for the Italian Horror Blogathon epic.

And make no mistake, the entries on this ‘thon are always top notch, and I include Kevin’s posts in that assessment. Think about participating, but even if you don’t, make sure you read the submissions. Per Kevin:

Here are the details:

When: October 24-31
Where: Hugo Stiglitz Makes Movies
What to do: Write about Italian horror and promote the blogathon on your blog
How to participate: Simply think of something you want to review and post the link to your piece in the comments section.

All I ask is that you link to the blogathon in your post; I’ll keep a running links post at the top of the page every day during the blogathon.

Kevin will be putting up a blog post soon with banners, but feel free to take the one I used and advertise this baby!


For those of you who don’t mind a little crazed death porn in your day, Vincent of Vincent’s Hand-Made Art is doing his second annual Octoberween-Palooza-Ganza (NSFW). He’s posting a new artwork every day — mostly pen and ink and paint renditions of ghouls and skeletons like this (safe for work) except often with gore and peen. For those participating, there is a chance at getting a commission. Details from Vincent, who apparently hates commas (I tease because I love):

Just blog about Halloween, Horror, October in general or just express yourself with your own personal creation and send me the link so I can wrangle up all the entries to share with everyone else. Why participate, you may ask? Participation makes you cool and attractive to your preferred sex and also makes you eligible for possible giveaways during the month but most of all participation makes you eligible to put me to work for you.

This may not be for everyone but qualified OPG participants (and by “qualified” I mean the first three participants who are interested) can put me to work on a commission just for them. The only restriction is that the commissioned artwork will have a size limit of 8.5″ x 11″ for ease of mailing. Other than that, you’re calling the shots. Just give me an idea of what you want and I’ll do my best to create it. When finished I’ll mail it off to you and ask that you donate whatever amount your conscience dictates (although I would appreciate at least the cost of postage). Why am I making such a generous offer? Well, selfishness really. I enjoyed my last commission and I’d like to try it again so help me out and put me to work for you this October!


Meanwhile, here at Casa de la Stacia, I am posting some delightful Halloween-themed pictures this month. Some are new, some you’ve seen before, but I’m sure you’ll agree that even if they’re repeats, it’s a lot more fun to re-post them over here than add them back to the SBBN archives. Then in the not-too-distant future, more interesting stuff will be afoot.


    • stacia

      Sadly, yes. He didn’t seem like someone who took criticism well, so I deliberately did a gentle tease about him calling another lady a “putz”, I didn’t mention the nastier tweet at all. He still flipped out and blocked me, which is fine, it’s my tweet getting deleted that torques me off.

  1. Ivan, I was wondering the same thing.

    Stacia, thanks so much for that fantastic plug! I really appreciate it. I look forward to your entry this year. I remember last year you wanted to do Lenzi’s ORGAZMO, but it didn’t work out, so unfortunately you had to subject yourself to some late-era Argento. I’m hoping more people will think about covering ’60s Italian Horror this year.

  2. stacia

    Actually, no sooner than I typed that did I get a message that gives me hope. It was so frustrating to have no audio at the end of the film. I’ll let you know in a couple of days if I’m doing Orgasmo or something else.

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