Happy Birthday, Charles Nelson Reilly


Charles Nelson Reilly
Born January 13, 1931
Seen here during rehearsals for the 1964 Broadway production of Hello, Dolly! A plethora of terrific pictures from the production can be found here.


    • stacia

      I grew up with Reilly on Match Game, still my favorite game show (Press Your Luck being a close second), as well as Lidsville and all manner of appearances as himself. His Match Game sarcasm formed my own bitter humor… well, his and Paul Lynde’s. Love this guy so much.

    • stacia

      What?! How did I not know this? MY LIFE HAS BEEN A LIE.

      I still maintain the best April Fool’s joke ever was someone who posted about a fake movie in the works called “Charles Nelson Reilly Must Die,” to be directed by Ben Stiller and starring Bruce Willis, IIRC. That was a long time ago, and every time I try to look it up on Google, the only mentions of it I find were times *I* posted about it.

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