Neil Diamond’s Birthday (And Sordid Past)

What’s knittin’, Kitten?


There is no better way to celebrate Neil Diamond’s 71st birthday than to tease him about the questionable things he did when he was young.

Everyone, go thank Capricornonevintage on Flickr for making your day just a little bit brighter. Then send your happy birthday wishes to Neil on Twitter, because I think he’s finally learned how to read @replies and might actually get your message.

Here’s a slightly larger version if you want to read the hilarious ad copy.


  1. that’s wonderful, but I must tell you he is not the only one to commit this error. I found an image of Clint Eastwood modelling an ‘Afghan’ crochet gilet/waistcoat, for Esquire magazine, early 70’s.
    Let us concede that both men redeemed themselves subsequently.

  2. Ha! I’d love to see that Eastwood ad. During this project I’ve bought several old magazines for interviews and so far have seen two ads with John Goodman. One is for wine or beer and I think the other was a stereo. I have them in my pile of stuff to scan and post eventually.

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