A mini El Brendel gallery to celebrate what would have been the Elster’s 120th birthday.
P.S. I’m going to try to post more often, I swear.
A mini El Brendel gallery to celebrate what would have been the Elster’s 120th birthday.
P.S. I’m going to try to post more often, I swear.
If I wasn’t away at Cinefest, I probably would have posted a tribute too!
The last still is actually from the 1931 film “Mr. Lemon of Orange”.
That’s right, Cinefest is this week. Have fun!
Thanks for the info — I didn’t think that was from Mr. Lemon because the still code was different. I don’t get these Fox still codes, they never make sense to me.
El Brendel will still be remembered 100 years from now. Mark my words.
I’ll definitely mark my calendar, King. After all, I’ll only be 138 years old!
The still codes from the late 20’s early 30’s are easy. There are a set of letters, then a set of numbers, then another set of numbers. The set of letters are the first few letters of the directors last name (for the “Mr. Lemon…..” film, the director was John BLYstone). Next up, the HIS number of directed films at Fox, “Mr Lemon….” being #51. Last is the still number which in this case is #9. Now the one above it is a promotional still, which Fox used either a P or F for and would have the same of the first 2 items, but the last numbers would have a P of F in front of them and have a whole different set of numbers that followed them. Confused yet?
Awesome info, Louie. Knowing that the letters are the director’s name helps a ton, thanks!
I should have added that the description I gave is for only Fox Films. All the other studios used their own codes.
The only 2 directors that I have seen where the name is different are John Ford (they use his whole last name) and Raoul Walsh (I have seen his films with the codes “RW” and “Wal”