Shatnerthoners Unite! The Shatnerthon Master Post

shatnerthon Thus far, there are a lot of great submissions to the Shatnerthon. Thanks to everyone who has already submitted! The turnout has been much better than I expected, so I am thrilled to death.

This is the master list of all submissions from Day One and beyond, in approximately alphabetical order. If you don’t see your links here yet, don’t worry; I am spreading links out throughout the week and yours will be posted soon.

Please, check out these fine blogs! You won’t regret it.



  • Andreas at Pussy Goes Grrr! writes about “The Devil’s Rain”, a movie that I just yesterday said I was kind of afraid to watch after hearing how bad it was. Now that I’ve read the post at PGG, though, I realize that I’ve seen pictures and screencaps of this for years. Also, allow me to quote briefly from the post:

    “William Shatner does indeed appear in this movie, but alas, like Ida Lupino and John Travolta, he spends most of his time moaning satanic chants and not having any eyes.”

  • Ed at Ed’s Omniscient Overview composed a loverly pome for our man Bill.
  • In a wonderful video entry, Francesca has given us a unique and fun look at TOS Captain Kirk featuring Walt Whitman’s celebration of the male body. Check out her full entry at l’astronave with notes, as well as her sidebar with links to more of her glorious Star Trek fan videos.
  • Ivan gives us more early television Shatner, this time from “The Naked City”. An excerpt of Ivan’s post:

    Man! Ever have one of those days when you wake up with the hangover to end all hangovers—and then find your wife’s corpse on the floor of your apartment? (Boy, if I had a nickel for…well, this isn’t really about me, is it?)

  • The Floating Red Couch gives us his 3rd and final review (thus far!) for a Star Trek original cast film: The Voyage Home. What I love about this film is that any Trekker who hears the title of this film immediately utters these 2 words: Transparent aluminum! The Couch’s review wastes no time in this regard, not letting us forget that even though the crew was a bit long in the tooth by this time, dammit people, they were making transparent aluminum. You don’t mess with that.
  • The Floating Red Couch gives us part 2 of his series on Star Trek movies: The Search for Spock. It was in this post that I realized Mr. Couch and I share the same ability to communicate only in “Futurama” quotes. It makes travel to foreign countries a lot easier, as we can both tell you.
  • Tony at Cinema Viewfinder reviews the “Star Trek: Season 1” Blu-Ray with decidedly fresh observations on a series everyone on the Internet has been discussing since 1966.
  • Tony at Cinema Viewfinder with a perceptive look at “The Outrage,” the 1964 Hollywood remake of “Rashomon.” Tony always has terrific insight into the films he blogs about, and posts like his are even more remarkable when compared to so-called reviews on sites like the IMDb. Most comments about movies William Shatner is in refer to him as “Captain Kirk” or, at best, qualify a film as being “pre-Kirk.” There is more to Shatner than Captain Kirk, and maybe posts like Tony’s can finally get that notion through to more people. One can hope.
  • W.B. Kelso contributes the tarantula-and-Q-tip epic “Kingdom of the Spiders” at 3B Theater: Microbrewed Reviews. I had trouble reading this because AUGH SPIDERS YUCK, but the cap of Shatner with the Q-tip was so worth it. The last time I saw this film was when it was a movie of the week in the 1970s; I was a wee lass and less freaked out by cinematic spiders than I am now, but I am 99.44% sure that this movie is why I grew to be so arachnophobic. To this day I remember the scene where Shatner is covered in tarantulas. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA make it stop make it stop



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