Happy Birthday to Monte Blue!
Monte Blue Born January 11, 1887 See more Monte Blue pictures at my Flickr gallery here Monte is one of my favorite character actors. He doesn’t get mentioned enough around these parts, but I hope to change that soon.
Monte Blue Born January 11, 1887 See more Monte Blue pictures at my Flickr gallery here Monte is one of my favorite character actors. He doesn’t get mentioned enough around these parts, but I hope to change that soon.
…it seems Hitch had created one of his earliest secret monsters: Someone who appears normal enough to other characters and the audience, but who is later revealed to be quite dangerous.
The Best Hitchcock Movies (That Hitchcock Never Made) Blogathon, sponsored by ClassicBecky’s Brain Food and Tales of the Easily Distracted is going on right now! Visit Tales of the Easily Distracted for a list of this year’s culprits I mean participants. Please check out the entries, and keep checking in …