Welcome to the SBBN Camp & Cult Blogathon!
The ‘thon runs from September 17 through 28. For a list of all participants, please see the Camp & Cult Blogathon Page here — the link is also on the top banner. Feel free to join in! Any post on any film is welcome.
If you have a post or multiple posts to submit, all you need to do are two simple things:
1. Comment on this or any SBBN post with the URL, or email me at she (at) shebloggedbynight.com.
2. Please make sure to clearly indicate if the movie you review is TRIGGERY, i.e. involves sexual abuse or assault, rape or similar themes, or if your post has any NSFW pics of nudity or sexual situations.
Note that I have a second-shift schedule and so posts will not go up on the Blogathon page until afternoons or evenings Central US Time each day, and will be updated periodically during overnight hours.
So go forth, my little ones, and blog!
Biff! Bang! Pow! Streets of Fire is a go! Good luck. This is gonna be awesome!
Pingback: Best Worst Movie, or Worst Movie: Batman & Robin (1997) - Fear of a Ghost Planet
Because there’s probably a cult for this movie somewhere…
Here’s my first review for the CACB!…
“Not since ‘King Kong’…has the screen exploded with such mighty fury and spectacle!” (Or a review exploded with such wit and perspicacity… uh-huh…)
George Sanders’ last movie, the British biker flick PSYCHOMANIA
Here’s a little thing I like to call “Mystery of the Wax Museum,” or Statue of Limitations: http://moviedavid.blogspot.com/2012/08/mystery-of-wax-museum-or-statue-of.html
TRIGGERY alert: There’s a scene in this movie in which the main character appears to ravage a woman but it’s really a staged bit of blackmail to get said character to acquiesce to demands. Still, I thought I should mention it.
Pingback: Camp & Cult Blogathon: Island of Doomed Men (1940) » She Blogged By Night
Pingback: Best Worst Movie, or Worst Movie? — Batman & Robin (1997) | Fear of a Ghost Planet