The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)

texas chainsaw massacre
The location used as the Sawyer family house in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is now a field that shows no signs of a house ever having been there. The house itself was relocated to the grounds of the Antlers Hotel at 1010 King Street in Kingsland, Texas (pictured). It was fully restored and used as the Junction House Restaurant. More here.



  1. I remember reading about the Saw house being turned into a B&B awhile back. I can just picture some hardcore fan dining with an unsuspecting guest … “And that’s where Grandpa tried to brain her with a sledgehammer. And in that corner was a chair. A chair made out of arms! Arm chair. Get it!”

  2. Hi Matthew – I know the house was first moved in the late 1990s to Kingsland, which is about an hour away from the original location. The first owners’ BBQ restaurant closed several years ago, but some people online say they had Chainsaw “reunions” there before it closed. The new place, Junction House, has different owners and they do mention the movie on their webpage:

    WB, I had no idea there was an actual Saw house, I thought it was a set. I would have looked for that one if I’d realized!

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