Birthday: Alan Arkin, March 26, 1934

Alan Arkinborn March 26, 1934Arkin is famous for being my husband’s favorite actoroh yeah and I guess other people like him too, what with him being so damned awesome and alland will someone release “Simon” on DVD already for the love of cornphoto is a promotional still from “Catch-22”tons about Alan can be found at…

Attention TCM: "The Brain That Wouldn’t Die" also comes in a lemon fresh unedited version!

Today I realized TCM was going to show the 1962 cult (and MST3K) classic “The Brain That Wouldn’t Die” tonight, and spent most of my day rubbing my hands together in the internationally recognized oh-boy-this-is-gonna-be-great fashion. You can imagine my glee when I realized immediately that the film had been edited. Unless I’m mistaken, there’s…

The Locked Door (1929)

“The Locked Door” is an early talkie and one of Barbara Stanwyck’s first film roles. The story was originally a stage play called “The Sign on the Door”, a melodrama by Channing Pollock that ran from 1919-1920 and which garnered very good reviews. It was spiced up for film by C. Gardner Sullivan, who added…

The Twenty Actors Meme

I decided to consider myself technically tagged after Princess Fire and Music’s post. Note that she is a better blogger than me: she didn’t cheat. This is Dean Treadway of filmicability’s meme, not the other similar memes going about, which means I have chosen my 20 favorites. Not best, not most admired, just favorite. This…