Shatnerthon: The Bitter End

So here we are, the actual real final this-is-it end of the Shatnerthon. Le sigh. As much work as it was — and it turns out blogathons are a lot more work than you expect them to be, by the way — I felt genuinely sad when I posted the last Shatnerthonians list last Friday. But that was only the almost-end, which is why we are wrapping up the Shatnerthon today.

First up, two last entries into the Shatnerthon:

* Kris of Kris’ Movie Reviews loves “T.J. Hooker” and is not ashamed to say it, nor should she be.

* Ed at Ed’s Omniscient Overview made a nifty collage of some of his favorite Shatnerthon moments. Ed also made the Garfield mock-up that graces the top of this page.

Next, the winners of the random drawing! I printed out the names of the contributors and put them in an actual hat. It was the easiest on my blood pressure, because there was no way I was going to be able to decide whose posts were the best, as I quite literally liked them all.

Winner #1: W.B. Kelso of Scenes from the Morgue and 3B: Micro Brewed Reviews! You have won the Twilight Zone Vol. 9 with “Nick of Time” and 3 other episodes, as well as the 4-DVD set “20 Great Westerns: Heroes and Bandits” — which gives you another copy of “White Comanche”! I am quite frankly laughing my ass off at that.

Winner #2: Judy of Costume Drama Reviews and Movie Classics! You have won the Twilight Zone Vol. 2 set with “Nightmare at 20,000 Feet” and 3 other episodes, as well as a 2-movie set with “Incubus” and the TV pilot “Incident on a Dark Street.” I haven’t seen the TV pilot yet, so I apologize if it stinks on toast.

Congrats to the both of you! You’ll have to give me an address to send these to, so please drop me an email at glitterninja (at)

Despite my obvious lack of reverence for the subject matter (see the macros I made below, if you haven’t already) I did learn a lot with the Shatnerthon, discovered new movies I want to see, learned many people love Shatner rather than laugh at him. I discovered some great new blogs, read some of the funniest posts ever on the blogs of old friends, happily learned that there are many people who see William Shatner as more than Captain Kirk. Without a doubt, Shatner the punchline is a completely different entity than Shatner the actor. He may have embraced the jokes and the mockery and the imitation, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that the man can act, and his career in B movies and cult films is an important one.

I do want to truly thank everyone who participated, commented, and read SBBN during the Shatnerthon. The daily blog hits to SBBN were double what they usually are every day of the ‘thon, and I occasionally stumbled across mentions of the Shatnerthon in corners of the blogosphere I didn’t expect. It was so much fun, and the couple of sniffy “Why Shatner?” comments seen in the higher echelons of movie bloggers made it even better. Ha!

And finally… well, I got a little silly. After a couple of glasses of The Zin, both of these macros seemed like the funniest things in the world. In the cold light of sobriety, though, I now have my doubts.

But faint heart never won fair blog, so I’m posting them anyway. A joke about the KKK is always a good way to end a blog post.


  1. Thanks again guys. Fresca, I don’t know if I’ll do this again — The Lightning Bug’s Lair has a yearly Shatner celebration in March, so I think I will probably leave the annual fun up to them.

    WB, don’t forget to email me your info! No hurry, the rest of this week is HORRIFYING so it’ll be early next week before I send them out.

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