I’ve always had a strong attraction to Madeline Kahn, even as a kid. There’s just something so right about her.
That wonderful tenor trombone (?) voice and impeccible timing made every word she ever said fricking hilarious. “Oh sweet mystery of life/At last I have found you!”
amazing actor!
Great “bone structcha”. A genius comic.
I love Madeline so much. She is very underrated.
I’ve always had a strong attraction to Madeline Kahn, even as a kid. There’s just something so right about her.
That wonderful tenor trombone (?) voice and impeccible timing made every word she ever said fricking hilarious. “Oh sweet mystery of life/At last I have found you!”
Sorry, too easy. I guess the Shatnerthon won’t die inside of my head.
I always tell my daughter she was named after her and Madeline Albright….