Recently Watched: Female (1933) and God’s Country and the Woman (1937)

And now, on to the show. There isn’t much I can say about “Female” (1933) that my beloved Mordaunt Hall hasn’t already said. I agree completely with Hall’s assessment that some of the scenes undermined the otherwise terrific characterization of Alison, and while watching the film I kept thinking that this would be great if…

Recently Watched: The Trying to Free Up Disk Space Edition (part 1 in an infinite series)

Big thanks to Ivan at Thrilling Days for bestowing upon SBBN the “Your Going Places, Baby!” award, which has quite possibly the cutest icon I’ve seen in a long while. This award — like all awards — has morphed over the weeks. Originally stated, “This award means you’re really going places, Baby. You’ll still be…

Recently Watched: The Light Touch (1951) & The Whole Truth (1958)

“You can’t smell a rose through somebody else’s nose.” George Sanders being given all the best lines in The Light Touch (1951)   “The Light Touch” is a nice little film but not very original. Set mostly in Sicily and Tunis, it’s a crime caper that’s one part “Casablanca” and one part “Maltese Falcon”. Sam…