TV Party #2

I’m still watching a lot of TV, and I don’t know why! Maybe once it gets above 25F outside, I’ll be inclined to do something that involves moving off the couch occasionally. Can’t make any promises, though. In the last TV Party post, I mentioned that I thought “The X-Files” …

TV Party #1

First things first: I’m tired of using labels in my subject lines, stuff like “Recently Watched” or “Short Subject, Feature Film,” so I’m gonna stop doing that. On occasion, I’ll still use a label if I think the situation specifically calls for it, but for most posts I figure tags …

Of Blackglama and William Desmond Taylor (no relation)

Out of extreme curiosity, can anyone tell me why hundreds of people all over Canada would have been looking for the Barbara Stanwyck Blackglama advertisement last Saturday? Update: An answer! From Anonymous in comments: A CBC radio show called the Age of Persuasion (an EXCELLENT show) mentioned that ad in …

Short Subject, Feature Film: Condemned (2010) and Double Take (2009)

Many months ago, writer-director Oren Shai was kind enough to send me a copy of his short subject “Condemned” (2010), a tight, engaging film that combines exploitation cinema with the feel of a 1950s genre Western.  Fortunately, Oren has just released the film online here in streaming video. Because it’s …

Gerda Maurus

You know when I said I’d see you on the New Year? I accidentally lied. First of all, important notice: World O’ Crap has moved! Hackers hacked, that’s all I know. Now World O’Crap is at a new blog address. Go! Enjoy! And now, some lovely Gerda Maurus for your …

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