The Precarious Attainment of Relevance

It may be the end of 2011, but I have no year-end lists or resolutions or anything of substance to say, really. Just a few goals for SBBN, a slight modification to my previously-announced plans, and a bit of randomness. One of the best and first film bloggers I have encountered in our vast blogoverse…

Blogiversary: Part Deux

I didn’t know whether to go with “Part Deux” or “Electric Boogaloo” for my sequel subject title. “Part Deux” won out, it’s the lesser-known reference. It’s true that I just had a lengthy hiatus, but this is still SBBN’s 2nd blogiversary and I’m here to celebrate it in style. I love my blog and I’ve…

Happy Birthday, El

March 25th is the birthday of our favorite universally-hated comedian El Brendel, who was born in 1891. As a rather belated present to El — he died in 1964 — we at She Blogged By Night have created an “El Brendel” tag just for him. Click it to see all the posts that feature El.…