Elsewhere: The Blogathons, Doughnuts and Doris Days Edition

Here are some things around the web you should be reading, doing or otherwise participating in while I recover from the Raiders of Ghost City-induced ennui. SBBN will be participating in a couple of blogathons this summer: The William Castle Blogathon will be hosted by The Last Drive-In and Goregirl’s …

The Elsewhere Files

Things you should be doing instead of checking SBBN: Fitzcardboardaldo: Herzog’s classic rendered in cardboard. Follow it up with the making-of documentary The Corrugation of Dreams. Charles Laughton spent time in Texas in 1953 with his one-man show, as well as working on a revelatory new interpretation of Othello. The …

Elsewhere Today: Writin’ For Spectrum Culture

I have three reviews up on Spectrum Culture today, which should explain why things have been a little quiet around here: Revisit: Death To Smoochy (2002): “…Underneath the obvious joke, Death to Smoochy is practically Shakespearean in its tragedy. Children’s entertainment is used as an analogue for the entire entertainment …

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