Profiles in History Hollywood Auction 83
Profiles in History have teamed up with Invaluable for Auction 83, an enormous, three-day event that opens tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. and includes items that date back to the silent era.
Profiles in History have teamed up with Invaluable for Auction 83, an enormous, three-day event that opens tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. and includes items that date back to the silent era.
The history of the Spiderpool is the quintessential Hollywood story, a particularly American brand of fairy tale that begins with excess and eccentricity, wild parties and beautiful women. Like so many American dreams, it was over almost as soon as it began, and what was once celebrated became nothing more than crumbling remnants of exploitation, disappointment and lost dreams.
Leonard Maltin posted a few of his vintage New Year publicity stills today, including this terrific 1927 promotional featuring Patsy Ruth Miller and one of my best pretend boyfriends, Monte Blue.
Today has been rough. Really rough. Like, my brain has turned into tasty, tasty tapioca and I can no longer pronounce polysyllabic words kind of rough. That’s why I thought this was the perfect time to unleash one of the most pointless posts that has been sitting in my Drafts …
Sergio Leone and the Infield Fly Rule is famous for many things: The reviews, the insight, the super spicy nachos, and of course the movie quizzes. I’ve been wanting to do one of these for a long while, but was always stymied on or before question #20 on the list, …
Before we get on with the silly business at hand, I want to thank my BBFF Ivan for bestowing the Stylish Blogger Award upon SBBN! Thank you, Ivan, for the award and for your intense concern about the economic conditions of the Donette industry here in Kansas. See, I was …
It’s the middle of the holidays, so a little light blogging seems in order. Blackglama furs has a fun little site where you can see previous ads from their iconic advertising campaign which features a lot of Hollywood royalty. Click here and go to “Campaign” to see more. The website …
Well, hello there, handsome! Before I begin, I’d like to call attention my new layout, if you haven’t noticed it already. This terrific blog design is courtesy Kathy at Moxie. They’ve designed several blogs I enjoy, and were kind enough to take my little personal blog as a client. I …
Fitness guru Richard Simmons once told A&E’s Biography that he spent time in Italy in his early 20s, and was a bit actor in the 1969 film Fellini Satyricon, an epic tale of decadence and bloodshed populated by hundreds of extras with unique faces and surprising bodies. It’s no surprise that a young, doe-eyed, very large young Simmons would be cast as one of these human decorations.